sabato 25 luglio 2009

Alice ADSL - Modem / Router generico

Connessione Internet
Sia che utilizzi un Wizard oppure la configurazione manuale del tuo modem/router, i parametri necessari per la configurazione con una connessione Alice ADSL sono i seguenti:

  • USERNAME: aliceadsl
  • PASSWORD: aliceadsl
  • VPI: 8
  • VCI: 35
  • DHCP: abilitato (gli indirizzi IP sono assegnati in automatico ai pc in rete e sono dinamici)
  • DNS: impostare l'assegnazione automatica da provider (ISP)

DNS primario:
DNS secondario:

Teamviewer - controllo remoto

To establish a connection you will need this full version which can then connect either to TeamViewer QuickSupport (for instant support) or TeamViewer Host (on unattended systems)
For the supporter: TeamViewer (full version)

To support a spontaneous customer just tell him/her to run this module. Just enter the partner ID and off you go.
For the instant customer: TeamViewer QuickSupport

mercoledì 22 luglio 2009

How Google Web Toolkit works

With Google Web Toolkit (GWT), you write your AJAX front-end in the Java programming language which GWT then cross-compiles into optimized JavaScript that automatically works across all major browsers. During development, you can iterate quickly in the same "edit - refresh - view" cycle you're accustomed to with JavaScript, with the added benefit of being able to debug and step through your Java code line by line. When you're ready to deploy, GWT compiles your Java source code into optimized, standalone JavaScript files. Easily build one widget for an existing web page or an entire application using Google Web Toolkit.

Write AJAX apps in the Java language, then compile to optimized JavaScript

Unlike JavaScript minifiers that work only at a textual level, the GWT compiler performs comprehensive static analysis and optimizations across your entire GWT codebase, often producing JavaScript that loads and executes faster than equivalent handwritten JavaScript. For example, the GWT compiler safely eliminates dead code -- aggressively pruning unused classes, methods, fields, and even method parameters -- to ensure that your compiled script is the smallest it can possibly be. Another example: the GWT compiler selectively inlines methods, eliminating the performance overhead of method calls.

Cross-compilation affords you the maintainable abstractions and modularity you need for development without incurring a runtime performance penalty. Learn more

Development Workflow

Edit Java code, then view changes immediately without re-compiling

During development, view code changes immediately using GWT's hosted mode browser. No need for compiling to JavaScript or deploying to a server. Just make your changes and click "Refresh" in the hosted mode browser.

Step through live AJAX code with your Java debugger

In production, your code is compiled to plain JavaScript, but at development time it runs as bytecode in the Java virtual machine. That means when your code performs an action like handling a mouse event, you get normal, full-featured Java debugging. Anything your Java debugger can do applies to your GWT code, too, so naturally things like breakpoints and single-stepping are all available. Learn more

Compile and deploy optimized, cross-browser JavaScript

When you're ready to deploy, GWT compiles your Java code into plain, stand-alone JavaScript files that can be served from any web server. In addition, GWT applications automatically support IE, Firefox, Mozilla, Safari, and Opera with no browser detection or special-casing scattered throughout your code. You write the same code once, and GWT transforms it into the most efficient JavaScript for each user's particular browser. Learn more

Tip: If you are an Eclipse user, you may find the Google Plugin for Eclipse useful.


Communicate with your server through really simple RPC

GWT supports an open-ended set of transfer protocols such as JSON and XML, but GWT RPC makes all-Java communications particularly easy and efficient. Similarly to traditional Java RMI, you simply create an interface that specifies remote methods you'd like to be able to call. When you call a remote method from the browser, GWT RPC will automatically serialize the arguments, invoke the proper method on the server, then deserialize the return value for your client code. GWT RPC is quite sophisticated, too. It can handle polymorphic class hierarchies, object graph cycles, and you can even throw exceptions across the wire. Learn more

Optimize the JavaScript script downloads based on user profile

Deferred binding is a feature of GWT that generates many versions of your compiled code, only one of which needs to be loaded by a particular client during bootstrapping at runtime. Each version is generated on a per browser basis, along with any other axis that your application defines or uses. For example, if you were to internationalize your application using GWT's Internationalization module, the GWT compiler would generate versions of your application per browser environment, such as "Firefox in English", "Firefox in French", "Internet Explorer in English", etc... As a result, the deployed JavaScript code is compact and quicker to download than if you coded if/then statements in JavaScript. Learn more

Reuse UI components across projects

Create reusable Widgets by compositing other Widgets, then easily lay them out automatically in Panels. The GWT Showcase application provides an overview of the various UI features in GWT. Want to reuse your Widget in another project? Simple package it up for others to use in a JAR file. Learn more

Use other JavaScript libraries and native JavaScript code

If GWT's class library doesn't meet your needs, you can mix handwritten JavaScript in your Java source code using JavaScript Native Interface (JSNI). With GWT 1.5, it is now possible to subclass the GWT JavaScriptObject (JSO) class to create Java "class overlays" onto arbitrary JavaScript objects. Thus, you can get the benefits of modeling JS objects as proper Java types (e.g. code completion, refactoring, inlining) without any additional memory or speed overhead. This capability makes it possible to use JSON structures optimally. Learn more

Easily support the browser's back button and history

No, AJAX applications don't need to break the browser's back button. GWT lets you make your site more usable by easily adding state to the browser's back button history. Learn more

Localize applications efficiently

Easily create efficient internationalized applications and libraries using GWT's powerful deferred binding techniques. In addition, as of 1.5 the standard GWT widgets support bi-directionality. Learn more

Be productive with your choice of development tools

Because GWT uses Java, you can use all of your favorite Java development tools (Eclipse, IntelliJ, JProfiler, JUnit) for your AJAX development. This allows a web developer to harness the productivity gains of automated Java refactoring and code prompting/completion. In addition, static type checking in the Java language enables developers to catch a class of JavaScript bugs (typos, type mismatches) when writing code rather than at runtime, boosting productivity while reducing errors. No more user discovered accidental var assignments. Finally, you can take advantage of Java-based OO designs patterns and abstractions that are easy to understand and maintain without your user incurring any runtime performance costs thanks to the compiler optimizations.

Test your code with JUnit

GWT's direct integration with JUnit lets you unit test both in a debugger and in a browser...and you can even unit test asynchronous RPCs. Learn more

Extend or contribute - Google Web Toolkit is open source software

All of the code for GWT is available under the Apache 2.0 license. If you are interested in contributing, please visit Making GWT Better.

domenica 19 luglio 2009

How Much Is A Petabyte?

We store a lot of data here at Mozy (15+ petabytes, in fact), but how much is that really?
We put together this series of stats to help you understand just how much data that really is.

How much is a petabyte?

Mozy official blog

sabato 18 luglio 2009

Carte pagamento, verifica Antitrust su Mastercard e otto banche

ROMA - L'antitrust ha avviato un'istruttoria nei confronti di Mastercard, e di otto banche e società finanziarie, per possibili intese restrittive della concorrenza - si legge in una nota - nel settore delle carte di pagamento in Italia. Le società sono Mastercard, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Banca Sella Holding, Barclays Bank, Deutsche Bank, Intesa Sanpaolo, Icbpi, Unicredit.

In particolare l'istruttoria, il cui avvio è stato notificato oggi alle parti interessate nel corso di alcune ispezioni eseguite in collaborazione con le Unità speciali della Guardia di finanza, "dovrà stabilire se la fissazione delle commissioni interbancarie nazionali per le transazioni con carte di pagamento in Italia da parte di MasterCard e quindi la loro applicazione da parte delle banche licenziatarie del marchio, restringa il confronto competitivo in Italia, trasferendo costi elevati sugli esercenti e sui consumatori".

MasterCard, presente sul mercato italiano con una quota significativa stimata intorno al 35-45% ed in costante crescita, prevede per ogni transazione, ossia per ogni acquisto di un singolo consumatore presso un negoziante, il pagamento di una commissione interbancaria nazionale (interchange fee). Tale commissione viene percepita dalla banca che ha emesso la carta ed è corrisposta dalla banca che gestisce i rapporti con i singoli esercenti. Si tratta, spiega l'Antitrust, di una commissione uniforme che, rappresentando una quota considerevole della commissione finale (merchant fee) a carico degli esercenti, può limitare il gioco competitivo, innalzando i costi del sistema.

Secondo l'Antitrust, la fissazione di una interchange fee elevata favorisce sia il circuito MasterCard sia le banche che gestiscono i rapporti con i commercianti, nonchè quelle che emettono le carte ai clienti. MasterCard trae infatti beneficio da commissioni interbancarie elevate perchè queste ultime incentivano le banche, che ne incassano l'ammontare, ad emettere carte del proprio circuito, e ciò a sua volta, aumenta il numero di possibili transazioni sulle quali le banche che gestiscono i rapporti con i negozianti percepiscono le merchant fee.

L'istruttoria dovrà quindi verificare se la definizione della interchange fee da parte del circuito e l'applicazione della stessa da parte delle banche che gestiscono i rapporti con i commercianti configurino fattispecie restrittive della concorrenza, sotto i due seguenti profili: una intesa orizzontale relativa alla definizione della commissione italiana da parte del circuito Mastercard (in quanto esito di una decisione di una associazione di imprese); un insieme di intese verticali basate sui contratti di licenza tra Mastercard e le singole banche che comportano l'applicazione uniforme e coordinata di uguali voci di costo così limitando il confronto competitivo.

venerdì 17 luglio 2009

AuthorStream Desktop: easily insert YouTube videos into Powerpoint

AuthorStream Desktop is a free PowerPoint Add-on that makes it easy to search for and insert YouTube videos as well as images from the web into your PowerPoint files. Users on other computers that you might share your PowerPoint files with will need an internet connection to view the embedded videos, but will NOT require AuthorStream Desktop installed on their computers in order to do so. Ever wanted to insert YouTube videos into your PowerPoint presentations? AuthorStream desktop makes it extremely easy to do so. Here are more notes on this program:

  • What it does: embeds a YouTube video or images from the web into a PowerPoint presentation, allowing you to place and resize your media on the page as you would any image object. Does NOT download videos, and does NOT save the actual video inside your PowerPoint files.
  • User interface: click on the authorStream ribbon (in PowerPoint 2007) to access its functionality. Very straightforward. Note that I did not test on PowerPoint 2003 and am not sure what the interface looks like there.
  • Two ways to embed: you can either provide the URL for the YouTube video or image you would like to embed, or otherwise use the built in search functionality (will display search results from Google or Bing image search).
  • Sharing your files: you can email or share your Presentations with other users and they will be able to view them without having to have AuthorStream Desktop installed (they will need an internet connection though).
  • Uploading: AuthorStream Desktop provides 1-click PowerPoint presentation uploads to the AuthorStream online presentation sharing service, which could come in very handy if you use that service to share your presentations.

Wish list: (or how this program can be even better)

  • The ability to embed private video uploaded to hosting services such as DivShare or even incorporating into Powerpoint any standard HTML code used for embedding video into sites/blogs .This would make this software EXTREMELY useful in some settings (conferences, business presentations) where the video content could not be uploaded publicly to YouTube for privacy concerns (note that private YouTube uploads are a headache that requires setting up YouTube contact lists, logging in with a YouTube user ID and other non-practical measures).

The verdict: a great idea that is implemented in a very simple, straightforward way. This software presents a very practical and easy way for many people to use video in PowerPoint presentations by their videos into YouTube and embedding them into their presentations (which has the added benefit of keeping the PowerPoint files small and compact for the purposes of email, etc.) Not to mention the useful opportunity it presents to PowerPoint spammers everywhere ;)

On the other hand AuthorStream Desktop can be so much more useful if it supported embedding FLV videos that are uploaded privately to file hosting services where only the people you share the video link with have access to it (DivShare is the service I use). This would make it possible to use PowerPoint with private video content in professional and business settings where uploading this content publicly to YouTube is not an option.

Version Tested:

Compatibility: WinAll. Requires PowerPoint 2003 or 2007.

mercoledì 15 luglio 2009

Una falla di sicurezza mette a rischio gli utenti di IE ed Office

C'è una nuova pericolosa vulnerabilità negli ActiveX utilizzati da parte di Internet Explorer. Dopo la lacuna di sicurezza scoperta nei giorni scorsi nel "Microsoft Video ActiveX" (ved. questa notizia), e che con buona probabilità sarà sanata quest'oggi mediante il rilascio di una patch, il gigante di Redmond rende nota l'esistenza di una falla all'interno dell'ActiveX "Office Web Components ActiveX".

Visitando con Internet Explorer un sito web maligno, contenente il codice nocivo in grado di sfruttare la vulnerabilità, l'aggressore può riuscire ad
eseguire malware sul sistema dell'ignaro utente. Come conferma l'Internet Storm Center (SANS), sono già in corso numerosi attacchi: molte pagine dannose sono già state allestite. Il problema è considerato particolarmente grave perché al momento non esiste una vera e propria patch ma solamente
delle soluzioni temporanee, comunque efficaci. L'Internet Storm Center ha infatti portato a "giallo" il livello di allerta sottolineando così la necessità per gli utenti di adottare contromisure adeguate.

Microsoft ha messo a disposizione in questa pagina uno strumento che consente di mettersi al riparo da eventuali problemi in attesa che vanga rilasciato un aggiornamento di sicurezza. Il primo pulsante "Fix it" permette di attivare la misura di difesa temporanea mentre il secondo ("disattivare soluzione") annulla gli interventi eventualmente apportati sul sistema.

Gli utenti più esperti possono mettersi al riparo adottando un approccio più complesso ma egualmente efficace.
La procedura consiste nell'aprire l'Editor del registro di sistema (Start, Esegui, REGEDIT), portarsi in corrispondenza della chiave HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility ed individuare le chiavi corrispondenti ai seguenti due CLSID:


Per ciascun CLSID rilevato, si dovrà creare - nel pannello di destra - un nuovo valore DWORD Compatibility Flags (nel caso in cui non esista già) ed impostarlo a 400 (Dati valore) in esadecimale.
In questo modo si imposterà il cosiddetto "kill bit" che impedirà il caricamento e l'utilizzo dell'ActiveX vulnerabile da parte di Internet

Non è detto che i CLSID riportati da Microsoft siano presenti nella chiave HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility sul proprio sistema. E' questa la situazione migliore: in tal caso non si correrà alcun rischio.

fonte della notizia

Prima vulnerabilità di sicurezza per Firefox 3.5: come risolvere

Attraverso il blog dell'azienda, Mozilla conferma la scoperta di una vulnerabilità di sicurezza che affligge Firefox 3.5, la più recente versione del browser web opensource. La falla riguarda il compilatore JavaScript JIT ("Just-in-time") e potrebbe essere sfruttata, da parte di malintenzionati, per eseguire codice potenzialmente dannoso sul sistema dell'utente.

Come gran parte delle vulnerabilità che interessano i browser web, anche nel caso di Firefox 3.5 l'aggressore può far leva sulla lacuna di sicurezza inducendo l'utente a visitare un sito Internet contenente, nelle sue pagine, il codice exploit.
Sebbene ancora non esista una patch ufficiale che permetta di risolvere il problema, è possibile disattivare temporaneamente JIT. Applicando questa soluzione, come ricorda Mozilla, il codice JavaScript presente nelle pagine web sarà comunque processato sebbene ad una velocità nettamente inferiore. Per disabilitare JIT, è necessario digitare about:config nella barra degli indirizzi di Firefox 3.5 e premere Invio, cliccare sul pulsante Farò attenzione, prometto, scrivere jit nella casella Filtro, fare doppio clic sulla voce javascript.options.jit.content modificandone così il valore da true a false.

Non appena Mozilla avrà rilasciato un aggiornamento per Firefox 3.5, una volta applicatolo, si potrà annullare la modifica ponendo nuovamente a true il valore del parametro javascript.options.jit.content.
Le due operazioni possono essere effettuate anche avviando Firefox 3.5 in modalità provvisoria.

fonte della notizia

martedì 14 luglio 2009

La Pec italiana non decolla. Colpa della burocrazia

Code allo sportello per abilitare lo strumento telematico. Brusutti (Infocert): "L'invio online dei documenti non decolla nonostante il Cad"
Il proposito era nobile: abolire le raccomandate per aziende e PA, in modo da ridurre costi e tempi di spedizione.
Nei fatti l'obbligatorietà della Posta elettronica certificata (Pec) ha provocato qualche mugugno sia tra gli operatori che forniscono il servizio sia tra gli utenti costretti ad usarlo.
I vantaggi sono innumerevoli sia per i privati sia per la PA. La Pec può essere usata, ad esempio, per l'invio di fatture e circolari, per la convocazione di assemblee e gare d'appalto. Qualche banca l'ha adottata per risolvere il problema delle truffe (il cosiddetto phishing) dotando ogni correntista di una casella Pec (Iwbank e Poste Italiane sono anche nell'elenco dei gestori tenuto dal Cnipa).

In questo ambito è l'Italia a dettare legge in Europa poiché la tecnologia messa a punto per realizzare la Pec è italiana. Nel contempo però non si placano le polemiche tra gli addetti ai lavori. C'è chi contesta il procedimento che ha portato a trasferire il concetto burocratico di "raccomandata con ricevuta di ritorno" a livello tecnologico. "Il metodo di trasmissione conta più del fatto che ho trasmesso un documento - spiega Stefano Noferi dell'azienda pisana Noze -. Problemi all'estero non ne hanno perché conta l'e-mail spedita. Inoltre rischiavamo di subire una procedura di infrazione per la violazione della normativa comunitaria sulla neutralità tecnologica". La Pec è stata introdotta con il decreto anticrisi emanato a fine 2008 poi convertito in legge. Cosa prevede? Devono dotarsi di caselle di posta certificata, nel caso non lo avessero già fatto in base a norme precedenti, le PA. Le nuove società sono obbligate ad aprire la propria casella Pec all'iscrizione nel registro delle Camere di commercio, mentre quelle già iscritte dovranno farlo entro tre anni. Per i professionisti, l'obbligo scatterà invece tra un anno, nei confronti degli ordini e i collegi cui sono iscritti.

Uno dei primi operatori Pec è stato Infocert dove fanno notare un'incongruenza contenuta in una bozza del decreto che chiarisce le modalità d'uso della Pec. Per attivarla, si legge, "i cittadini possono recarsi presso gli uffici abilitati all'attivazione". In  altre parole si parla tanto di e-gov e poi non si riesce ad evitare di andare personalmente in un ufficio? "In nessun caso dovrebbe esserci la necessità di spostarsi - spiega Luca Brusutti, product manager Legalmail di InfoCert - in quanto la casella è facilmente acquisibile on line". "Il Cad (Codice amministrazione digitale) prevede che i documenti possano essere trasmessi con qualsiasi mezzo telematico, compreso il fax, e la loro trasmissione non deve essere seguita da quella del documento originale".

Solo se tutto il processo avverrà integralmente online, sarà possibile dimezzare i costi ed evitare disagi.
Secondo NetConsulting, l'utilizzo della Pec permetterà risparmi per oltre 500 milioni di euro per le imprese e 387 milioni per la PA. Complessivamente il sistema Paese eviterà di spendere circa 908 milioni. Nonostante la Pec per gli utenti sia economicamente vantaggiosa e semplice da usare non mancano le critiche, soprattutto da parte delle Pmi di informatica.
Che non vedono inoltre di buon occhio uno dei requisiti previsti dalla normativa per essere operatori Pec: avere un capitale sociale di almeno un milione di euro. Cosa che spinge a diventare semplici rivenditori, acquistando le caselle dai maggiori operatori presenti sul mercato che adottano politiche di prezzo molto aggressive. Alle piccole imprese non va giù l'idea di offrire informazioni dettagliate sui propri clienti a società concorrenti che potranno contattarli.

6 luglio 2009
di Rosaria Talarico

SQL Server® 2008 Express with Tools - JAVA - Apache Tomcat

Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 Express with Tools - JAVA - Apache Tomcat

  1. Download and install Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1
  2. Download and install Windows Installer 4.5
  3. Download and install Windows PowerShell 1.0
  4. Download SQL Server 2008 Express with Advanced Services by clicking the following link. To start the installation immediately, click Run. To install SQL Server Express at a later time, click Save
  6. Check the Java version installed:
  7. Download and install the last version of Java package
  8. Download and install Apche Tomcat (zip file) from
  9. Unzip and copy in C:\Program Files
  10. Set JAVA_HOME. Set this environment variable to point at the top-level of your Java installation directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_14)
  11. Set CLASSPATH. Set this environment variable to include ".", C:\Servlets+JSP, and the servlet/JSP JAR files.
  12. Apache Tomcat default page: http://localhost:8080/
Apache Tomcat Tutorial

venerdì 10 luglio 2009

Disable the System Beep

Disable the System Beep (internal speaker)

1. Open device manager

2. Click View >Show hidden Devices.

3. Expand "Non Plug and Play Devices"

4. Double click "Beep"

5. On the Driver Tab set the "startup" type to "Disabled" or choose STOP

6. Reboot.

lunedì 6 luglio 2009

Free PDF to Word Converter: desktop app offers excellent PDF to Word/Doc conversions

Free PDF to Word Converter screenshotSmart Soft's Free PDF to Word Converter is a free program that offers one-click PDF to Word (DOC) conversions. It performs conversions locally on your desktop (i.e. it is not a web service) and offers excellent fidelity to the original document.

I've written about PDF to Word/Doc conversions before (see the previously published comparative test); and while there are a handful of excellent conversion options available for free, the best are usually web services where you upload or email your PDF and receive the converted file back via email. The handful of local, desktop PDF to DOC apps have typically been more "lightweight" contenders offering far less sophisticated conversions than their web-based counterparts. Which is why Smart Soft's Free PDF to Word Converter is a very welcome addition to the field; it is a very capable app that can hold it's own against some of the best PDF-to-Word web services (although still outclassed by PDF to Word Free web service, which is still my favorite).

To test this app I performed 4 conversions (1) the US Form W-4 Tax forms; (2) a typical "read-me" type PDF containing text, images, and links, (3) a table with embedded images and other formatting, and (4) a PDF that is entirely generated from an image source. Here is a summary of the results.

  • General layout: this just may be the best desktop PDF to Word conversion app in terms of faithfully recreating the "general layout" and "look and feel" of documents. The only desktop app to output a reasonable Word conversion of the (very complicated) W4 tax form.
  • Image handling: is very good in general. MOST of the images in my conversions were imported and placed correctly, with the exception of two images that were inside of tables, which came out blank (although a third such images was inexplicably imported correctly).
  • Handling of tables: recreates the "look and feel" of tables but does not create actual Word tables I will say that is more or less the standard treatments of tables in most PDF to Word converters. The only exceptions are web service PDF to Word Free which actually produces Word tables, and PDF to Excel Free (also a web service) which will convert tables to Excel sheets.
  • Handling of text boxes: no continuous text; each line of text will be rendered in its own text box, making editing a rather complicated and labor intensive process.
  • Handling of text formatting: very good in general; font style, shading, bulleted points, and numbered lists were well preserved.
  • Hyperlinks: no working hyperlinks were generated in the output DOC files; this is also standard for most such converters.
  • Handling of special characters: I frequently get asked about a PDF to DOC converter that can handle foreign characters (such as Russian) correctly. I did not test for this myself so please let me know how this service fares in this respect if you test it yourself.
  • Fast performance: each page within your document takes mere seconds to convert.

The verdict: this program's PROS include a sleek, well design user interface, and simple, fast, one-click conversions. It also is truly free and is devoid of nags and distractions. A few changes could have made this program much better, including the option to merge text boxes together to create large, editable blocks of text, and better treatment for images inside tables.

Nonetheless, for a desktop freeware PDF to DOC converter this one is probably the best out there. Although as mentioned above you could get better conversions using some of the free web services, there are times when you might prefer to use a desktop program instead (e.g. if you have too many files that may not be practical to upload to a web service en-mass, if the file(s) are too big to email or upload, or if you have privacy or security concerns about uploading or emailing your personal or business PDF documents, just to name a few examples). If you prefer to use a desktop based app rather than a web service Smart Soft's Free PDF to Word Converter is probably the best freeware option.

Version Tested: (I think).

Compatibility: All Windows machines including XP, Vista.

Go to the program page to download this program (approx 3..82 megs).

venerdì 26 giugno 2009

Secunia PSI: sotto controllo la sicurezza dei programmi e dei plug-in per il browser

Personal Software Inspector (PSI), il software sviluppato dalla società danese Secunia che consente di effettuare una scansione del sistema alla ricerca di eventuali patch ed aggiornamenti di sicurezza mancanti, è cresciuto ancora arricchendosi di ulteriori funzionalità.

Mantenere il sistema operativo e le applicazioni installate costantemente aggiornate è la chiave di volta per evitare la stragrande maggioranza degli attacchi informatici. Tra i software presenti sul personal computer, quelli che presentano maggiori rischi sono le applicazioni che vengono impiegate per scambiare dati in Rete (si pensi al browser Internet, al client di posta elettronica, al software per l'invio e la ricezione di messaggi istantanei e così via).
Uno degli scenari di attacco più comuni consiste nel visitare una pagina web che contiene del codice "maligno", opportunamente inserito dall'aggressore, per eseguire automaticamente – sul sistema dell'utente – delle operazioni dannose, capaci di minare alla sicurezza del sistema e di rappresentare una grave minaccia per l'integrità e la riservatezza dei dati conservati sul personal computer. Attacchi di questo genere sono solitamente conseguenza dell'utilizzo di browser web non aggiornati che presentano una o più vulnerabilità di sicurezza critiche, spesso già ampiamente note.

In altri casi, gli aggressori cercano di indurre l'utente – utilizzando svariati espedienti – a scaricare ed aprire uno specifico file sul personal computer. Aprendo file PDF, documenti Word, Excel o PowerPoint, file musicali o video impiegando versioni obsolete di un programma può esporre a gravi rischi: anche in questo caso, sfruttando le lacune insite in alcuni software, un aggressore può aver gioco facile e riuscire ad eseguire il suo codice dannoso.

Se la funzionalità "Aggiornamenti automatici" così come il servizio "Windows Update" si occupano di controllare la disponibilità degli aggiornamenti per il sistema operativo e le applicazioni sviluppate da Microsoft, l'utente non dispone oggi di uno strumento unico per la gestione delle patch relative a tutte le varie applicazioni installate. Secunia PSI si prefigge di colmare tale lacuna offrendo un'interfaccia centralizzata attraverso la quale sia possibile verificare lo stato di ciascun programma e determinare se siano o meno disponibili degli aggiornamenti di sicurezza.

PSI non solo mette in allerta l'utente circa il rilascio, da parte dei rispettivi produttori, di patch ed aggiornamenti per le varie applicazioni ma elenca anche tutti i programmi, rilevati sul personal computer, che non dovessero risultare più supportati. Tali software rappresentano un rischio ancora maggiore poiché il produttore non metterà più a disposizione degli aggiornamenti per sanare eventuali vulnerabilità.

L'utilità di Secunia dà il meglio di sé nella "modalità avanzata": qui vengono fornite informazioni e dettagli tecnici circa tutti i programmi che necessitano di aggiornamenti. Nella "modalità semplificata", invece, viene attivata la funzionalità "easy-to-patch": l'obiettivo è quello di ridurre la lista dei software da aggiornare proponendo solo quelli che, secondo Secunia, sono più semplici da aggiornare per un utente dotato di conoscenze informatiche ridotte.

Tra le principali novità di Secunia PSI c'è l'"inedita" funzionalità "Navigazione sicura": se sino ad oggi il programma si faceva carico di controllare quali versioni dei vari software erano in uso sul personal computer segnalando l'impiego di release oramai superate, PSI diviene ora in grado adesso di informare l'utente circa la presenza di plug-in ed add-on per il browser potenzialmente pericolosi.
Se il browser web, sia esso Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera o Safari, è aggiornato all'ultima versione è comunque possibile che resti ancora qualche spina nel fianco. E' il caso, appunto, di estensioni, plug-in ed add-on installati nel browser che debbono essere anch'essi sempre mantenuti aggiornati per scongiurare problemi di sicurezza.
La versione di PSI, nella sezione Navigazione sicura, mostra il riquadro "Non sicuro per la navigazione sul web" ogniqualvolta add-on e plug-in per il browser web dovessero contenere serie e conosciute vulnerabilità di sicurezza.

In figura, ad esempio, è possibile notare come sul personal computer sia installata una vecchia versione di Internet Explorer, non aggiornata con le patch di sicurezza e, come aggravante, non viene utilizzata l'ultima release del Flash Player di Adobe.
Sullo stesso sistema, invece, Mozilla Firefox risulta sicuro per la navigazione perché, in questo caso, aggiornato all'ultima versione disponibile e facente utilizzo delle release più recenti delle varie estensioni.

Per ciascuna applicazione considerata insicura (l'utente non ha provveduto all'installazione di tutte le necessarie patch), PSI fornisce tutte le informazioni per provvedere alla tempestiva risoluzione del problema. In molti casi vengono forniti i link per l'effettuazione del download diretto degli aggiornamenti di sicurezza.
Nel caso dei programmi discontinuati dai rispettivi produttori ("End-of-Life"), PSI solitamente suggerisce la disinstallazione oppure la migrazione verso una versione successiva.

Per impostazione predefinita, Secunia PSI si occupa di monitorare costantemente il sistema rilevando anche l'installazione di nuove applicazioni o la rimozione dei programmi già presenti. Sulla base degli interventi via a via condotti sul personal computer, PSI aggiorna le sue liste e, di conseguenza, i suggerimenti proposti. Facendo riferimento alla scheda Impostazioni del programma, si può decidere se lasciare che PSI si avvii automaticamente ad ogni ingresso in Windows (Avvia Secunia PSI al boot) e se debba restare sempre attivo il monitoraggio automatico (Attiva il monitoraggio dei programmi).

Infine, è bene spendere due parole sulle cosiddette "regole di esclusione". PSI, per impostazione predefinita, effettua una scansione dell'intero contenuto dei dischi fissi rilevando quindi anche la presenza di versioni obsolete di applicazioni che dovessero essere state memorizzate, ad esempio, all'interno di cartelle di backup. E' ovvio che la presenza di un programma non aggiornato entro una cartella di backup rappresenta una minaccia assai contenuta perché la stessa applicazione non è in genere direttamente utilizzata dal sistema operativo per trattare le varie tipologie di file e perché, per essere eseguita, essa dovrebbe essere appositamente ricercata nel disco da parte dell'utente. Se si desidera evitare che PSI mostri dei messaggi di allerta relativi ad applicazioni inserite, appunto, all'interno di directory di backup, è sufficiente servirsi delle "regole di esclusione". Esse vanno comunque eventualmente adoperate con la massima cautela: la stringa di caratteri specificata nella regola, infatti, verrà paragonata con tutti i percorsi delle cartelle presenti sul sistema utilizzando una ricerca testo-libero. Ciò significa che inserendo, per esempio, c:\backup, PSI ignorerà tutte le directory contenenti il percorso specificato.

L'ultima versione di Secunia PSI introduce anche un meccanismo di valutazione del livello di sicurezza garantito dal sistema in uso. Il punteggio 100% è il massimo ottenibile: esso viene poi paragonato a quello raggiunto dagli altri utenti di PSI: la finestra principale del programma propone dati statistici e grafici riassuntivi.

Secunia PSI è prelevabile, nella sua versione più recente, in italiano, facendo riferimento a questa scheda.


mercoledì 24 giugno 2009

Intel's New Brand Structure Explained
posted by Bill Calder on June 17, 2009

Over the last year or so, Intel has been quietly working behind the scenes taking a hard look at our brand structure and exploring ways to make it more rational and easier to understand. The fact of the matter is, we have a complex structure with too many platform brands, product names, and product brands, and we've made things confusing for consumers and IT buyers in the process.

All that is about to change. Or at least, we begin a process of change that will evolve over time. Here's what to expect:

1) First and foremost we've created a structure that leads with Intel. It seems simple, but we've lost some of this connection and we need to remind people who we are and what we make possible. This is the backdrop for our latest ad campaign, Sponsors of Tommorrow. As Silicon Valley historian and author Michael Malone  recently wrote, "...what happens upstream in the world of chips sets the pace for everything that happens downstream in computers, smart phones, videogames, servers and, ultimately, in social networks, Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc."

2) Secondly, we are focusing our strategy around a primary 'hero' client brand which is Intel® Core™. Today the Intel Core brand has a mind boggling array of derivatives (such as Core™2 Duo and Core 2 Quad, etc). Over time those will go away and in its place will be a simplified family of Core processors spanning multiple levels:

  • Intel® Core™ i3 processor,
  • Intel® Core™ i5 processor, and
  • Intel® Core™ i7 processors.

Core i3 and Core i5 are new modifiers and join the previously announced Intel Core i7 to round out the family structure. It is important to note that these are not brands but modifiers to the Intel Core brand that signal different features and benefits. For example, upcoming processors such as Lynnfield (desktop) will carry the Intel Core brand, but will be available as either Intel Core i5 or Intel Core i7 depending upon the feature set and capability. Clarksfield (mobile) will have the Intel Core i7 name.

So the key here is there will be a range of features and capabilities within the Intel Core family - our flagship brand representing the highest performance and the latest technology  -  but simplified into entry-level (Intel Core i3), mid-level (Intel Core i5), and high-level (Intel Core i7).  We will still have Celeron for entry-level computing at affordable price points, Pentium for basic computing, and of course the Intel® Atom™ processor for all these new devices ranging from netbooks to smartphones. For PC purchasing, think in terms of good-better-best with Celeron being good, Pentium better, and the Intel Core family representing the best we have to offer. 

3) Lastly, we are changing and transitioning some of the platform brands. Intel vPro technology continues to stand for best in class security and manageability and will henceforth be paired with Intel Core in either Core i5 or Core i7 iterations. Again this wont happen overnight, but beginning next year Intel business client systems will carry either the Intel Core i7 vPro processor or the Intel Core i5 vPro processor name. With this focus on Intel Core, the Centrino processor technology brand will be retired for PCs beginning next year. However, Centrino has tremendous equity as a wireless technology, so we will transition the name to our Wi-Fi and WiMAX products beginning in 2010.

This will be an evolutionary process taking place over time, and we acknowledge that multiple brands will be in the market next year inclduing older ones, as we make the transition. But overall this is a good thing, designed to make it easier and more rational over the long run. Interested in hearing any feedback or comments from readers here. For more information, including a brief interview on all this with Intel vice president an director Corporate Marketing Deborah Conrad -- see here.

Forty-Three of The Best Free Windows Enhancements That You Should Know About

There is an impressive range of excellent freeware Windows enhancements and tweaks. This posting will present forty three excellent additions to Windows that you will like.

When I first thought of this post, I more or less knew what programs I wanted to list here. The common theme that brought these together was that they were all really cool Windows "enhancements": i.e. apps that tweak or change the way we work with files, folders, applications, or the system environment itself (or, apps that brings functionality to the Windows environment that could or should have been a built-in option in Windows ;)).

Two more things to say before presenting the list itself; the first is that this list might not include some well known titles because in some cases I shied away from Windows enhancement apps that try to do many things at once in favor of simpler, more straightforward ones. The second is to be aware that many of these have overlapping functions and hotkeys that you wouldn't necessarily want installed on the same system at the same time (you also dont want to overburden your PC, so install selectively).

Note: this post took a long time to write, so please Stumble or Digg!

Here's the list:

fences-screenshot3-area-and-sidenav1- Fences: do you ever wish that there was some way to organize your icons into general, clearly-labeled areas on your desktop that you could move or organize without needing to deal with each icon individually? If so, you're in luck, as this is exactly what Fences does. You can create floating areas on your desktop, label them, and ove icons of any type into them; you can then re-arrange these by moving entire units around, etc. Fences will do two more things for you (1) it will preserve/save icon locations on your screen, and (2) it will allow you to double click an empty area on the desktop to hide all icons.

Note that Fences is still in beta and seems to exhibit some bugs on some machines. It works fine on my XP (with XP's Dr. Watson debugger disabled).

QT Tabbar Screenshot new2- QTTabbar: ever imagined using explorer windows in a Firefox style tabbed interface? This is essentially what this (terrific) freeware does, but it also manages to deliver a range of nice functions, including the ability to browse contents of folders without clicking into them (see screenshot), the option to bookmark groups of open tabs, a searchbox for filtering files, image previews on mouse-hover, as well as a slew of others.

QTTabbar is extendible through a handful of plugins that provide extra functionality, including a "folder memo" plugin to add notes to folders.

filebox-extender-screenshot53- Filebox Extender: this one adds new buttons on the title bar next to the minimize, maximize, and close buttons that provide favorite folders and recent folders access anywhere (including file open/save dialogs). Other functions: a "stay on top" pushpin button, and a window roll-up button that hides all but the title bar of a window.

There are many apps that are designed to access favorite folders and files, but this one is one of the most original and innovative.

desktop-media-screenshot34- Desktop Media: this may be familiar to you if you've worked with Liunx. Desktop Media is a free program that creates automatic shortcuts on the desktop whenever you plug in a USB drive, CD, or other media. The shortcuts will automatically disappear when the media is ejected..

This program also provides an interesting option whereby hardlink rather than shortcuts can be (optionally) created on NTFS drives (see "Link Shell Extension" below for more on hardlinks).

sizer-screenshot5- Sizer: allows you to you right click on the "maximize"button on the title bar in order to quickly change the size and/or placement of the active Window using a selection of pre-set profiles. You can add your own user-defined sizes and placements.

While this function hardly sounds revolutionary, I will tell you that once you start using this one you will wonder how you managed without it. Sizer will prove to be very useful and is in fact one of my first installs on a new machine.

folder-menu-screenshot6- Folder Menu: this is a terrific little free app that displays favorite folders anywhere on Middle mouse click or using a hotkey. It can even invoke favorite folders in Windows and MS Office open/save dialogs.

This is a new Autohotkey-based program that deserves to be more well known; since installing it it's become one of my favorites, and I am betting that you will like it as well.


7- Folder Size: ever noticed that Windows' detail folder view does not display sizes for folders? Well guess what, this free Windows extension adds a column to Windows' "detailed" view that displays folder sizes. Check out my review for how to get this set up.

The latest information as I write this is that a new version 2.5 is about to be released, so watch out for that.

WinSplit Revolution Screenshot28- WinSplit Revolution: a freeware program that brings instant, versatile docking and resizing of windows to the sides of the and/or corners of the screen. But what is really nice is that the program allows you to control the placement of your windows by using hotkeys, by using a "virtual numpad" control that is prompted by clicking on the app's icon in the system tray, or by so-called "drag'n go", which involves moving your window around the screen while pressing Ctrl+Alt (whereupon it will display visual previews of the resize area as you move your window around - see screenshot).

For another interesting program that offers a similar function check out PowerResizer, which is also excellent.

qdir-screenshot9- Q-Dir: is a free dual-pane file manager that is simply terrific. It offers a slew of nice functions, including bookmarking favorite folders, a search box for filtering files and folders, the ability to save configurations of open panes and folders, and a whole host of other nifty options. What is quite innovative about Q-Dir are the nifty buttons on the toolbar that let the user access multiple configurations of file panes, quickly and easily.

I personally use Q-Dir as a replacement for Windows explorer, such that clicking on a folder in Windows will open it using Q-Dir; In that sense it is the ultimate Windows enhancement. (See my original review of the program for instructions on how to do this, find favorite feature #6).

taskbar-shuffle110- Taskbar shuffle: this freeware Windows extension gives you the ability to reorder the tabs in your taskbar (on the bottom of your desktop) by dragging them at will. Very cool!

standalonestack-screenshot811- Standalone Stack: this freeware allows you to create folder shortcuts that, when clicked, open up as Mac-style hovering icon stacks. It supports two styles of icons "grid" and "fan". The screenshot here depicts a grid-style such shortcut that I strategically placed in the "Quick Launch" area.

TaskSwitchXP screenshot12- TaskSwitchXP: this is a freeware Alt+Tab replacement. It's my favorite because it is straightforward and simply scrolls across the different open apps and windows while (reliably) displaying a screenshot of the selected app. It strength is function rather than form, and I like the fact that it bucks the 3D vista-style and the Mac Expose trends (but if you must have these, check out WinFlip, Shock Aero, and DExpose2).

hardlinks-pic1b13- Link Shell Extension: is a freeware app that allows you to right click on files and folders and create instant (and effortless) hardlinked clones, with the single stipulation that your hard drive should be NTFS formatted.

A clone is NOT a copy. A little known piece of information is that a file in Windows XP and Vista can be in two places at once (as long as the hard drive is NTFS formatted and not FAT). Suppose that you keep videos of "The Sopranos" in their "Sopranos" folder, but that you had set up a "Favorite TV shows" folder where you wanted to keep a list of some of the TV-show episodes you like the most. If your hard drive is NTFS formatted, you can keep a clone of that video in that folder that does not occupy extra space on your hard drive (rather than create a duplicate copy.

launchy314- Launchy: this is a freeware launcher for apps and files where, instead of clicking on shortcuts or icons of the programs or files you want to open, you type in the name of the program you are seeking in a search box and select it from a list of results (the program will refine the list of selections as-you-type, which is a very nice effect).

By default this program will monitor (index) the execs and shortcuts in your start menu but can be configured to look anywhere for any file type you want. Lastly I will say that once you start using this I guarantee you will not want to use your computer without it. Some good Launchy alternatives (also free): Find and Run Robot, Key Launch and Keybreeze.

freesnap-screenshot315- Freesnap: ever wanted to snap just one or two edges of your window that you're working with right to the side of the screen? Freesnap is a freeware that lets you do just that (see screenshot). It will also let you use hotkeys to quickly send your window to any of the 4 corners of the screen (or the center), and perform a number of window-resizing operations.

Search Everything Screenshot16- Everything: this one is a free desktop file search program that works ONLY on NTFS formatted drives. The reason: it relies on the Master File Table of the NTFS volume to build its index of files, rather than constantly scanning and scouring the hard drive. What this means is that Everything will always be up to date with all file changes that occur on your hard drive.

The reason this one is included in this post is that more than any other program it has changed the way I work with Windows (with the possible exception of Launchy, above). I now find myself constantly right-clicking "Search Everything" on folders in order to locate the files that I am working with. Being able to right click on my computer in order to find a file or files anywhere on my drives is an extremely powerful thing to be able to do.

3rvx-skins17- 3RVX: this freeware allows you to control your system's volume (up/down/mute) through hotkeys. Its not the most feature-packed utility of its kind (Volumouse might have that distinction), but it just may be the most pleasant to use, looks really pretty (emulates the MacOSX volume bezel, but is skinnable and comes with many other cool skins).

This is another one of those apps I have to have installed on my machine.

osd-mute-screenshot218- OSD Mute: a very simple free app that does a very simple thing: displays a "Mute On" message on your desktop near the system tray when the system volume is muted. While this is not quite revolutionary, it is so useful that I install it on all my machine, and is really an option that should have come built into Windows.

Dexpot Screenshot19- Dexpot: this is without a doubt the best, most feature rich and advanced freeware virtual desktop program for Windows. It doesn't offer some of the eye candy that you might find in some others (animated 3D cube transitions between desktops, for example), but what it lacks in style in makes up for in substance (e.g. rules, hotkeys, icon placements on different desktops). If you are unfamiliar with virtual desktops imagine being able to work on, say, your Office applications in one desktop, then flipping to another that has your browser/webmail, and then flipping to a third that displays, say, your media player.

One thing you can do with Dexpot that I have not found anywhere else is to actually designate different icons to different desktops. This alone makes it the undisputed number one virtual desktop app as far as I am concerned..

infotag-magic-screenshot220- Infotag Magic: a freeware shell extension that tweaks Windows to display informational tooltips when hovering over a range of filetypes, including audio files, text files, shortcuts, and executables (see screenshot).

File extension types supported: wp3, wma, ape, and Ogg Vorbis (for audio), txt, ini, log, bat, diz, bak, and que files (for text files), exe, dll, ocx and lnk (for executables/shortcuts). I would have liked to have tooltips support for video files; if that's something you want it is provided in the latest beta of MediaInfo.

audioshell121- AudioShell: a freeware shell extension that allows you to view and edit audio files tags directly in Windows Explorer (for individual files or groups of files). It adds tabs in the audio file's right-click "properties" dialog that enable you to edit tag information on the fly. (Including album art, which you can easily import into the Audioshell tab and save it into the audio file itself.)

Audioshell will also display your audio file tag information inside tooltips when you mouse-over your audio files, and will add additional audio related columns that can be displayed in Windows explorer's folder "detail" view (e.g. Title, Album, Artist, etc.)

stick-screenshot422- Stick: is an interesting freeware app that places dockable tabs on the sides of your screen that can contain a variety of functions, such as notes, RSS feeds, shortcuts for apps or favorite folders, etc.

The nice thing about this one is that the "dockable tab" effect works really well, and its a very interesting innovation on the typical Windows user interface.

xentient-thumbnails-screenshot223- Xentient Thumbnails: a freeware that automatically changes the icons for image files to appear as little thumbnail previews of the images themselves.

This means that the even in icon or tile view each individual image will display a thumbnail for its icon that reflects a preview of the image itself. It also means that your image files will display little thumbnails for their icons even when placed on the desktop (a nifty and rather unusual effect).

thumbview-screenshots324- Thumbview: you might have noticed that some image file types (e.g. JPG, GIF, BMP and a few others). display preview thumbnails in Windows Explorer while others do not . What Thumbview does is provide support for 19 additional image file types such that Explorer is able to provide thumbnail previews for those as well. It also adds tooltips for image files in Explorer such that hovering over an image file displays its type, dimension, bitdepth, and filesize.

wincdemu-screenshot225- WinCDemu: a small, free, extension that adds to Windows the ability to mount disk images as virtual drives simply by double clicking on the image files. Supports .ISO, .IMG, .CUE, .BIN and .RAW disk images and an unlimited number of virtual drives.

Runs in the background with no user interface, and seamlessly integrates disk image files into Windows.

Allsnap Screenshot26- Allsnap: imagine that your windows had a little "magnetic field" around them such that if they came sufficiently close to each other they would simply snap together. This effect, which we have all seen employed by various apps (such as Winamp for example) is exactly what this freeware does. Very cool, and also configurable so that you could set exactly how many pixels around each window this "magnetic field " should be in effect.

There is also, interestingly, a portable version of this app which I just discovered.

Teracopy Screenshot27- TeraCopy: this free program integrates itself with Windows to deliver accelerated file copying in many instances as well as the ability to pause and resume copy operations. It comes especially handy when copying or moving a large number of files such that the entire process will not break down if it encounters, say, a file error.

You have the option to set whether to have TeraCopy perform all file copy operations by default (which is what I do), just when invoked by the user, or only when the "Caps Lock" key is on.

hobcomment1_128- HOBComment: this free Windows extension adds a context menu entry that allows users to instantly add a comment to files and folders (yes, folders, which normally you wouldn't be able to add comments to in Windows). I've been looking for a long time and this remains my favorite way to add comments to files and folders (despite relatively sophisticated freeware general file tagging apps such as Tag2Find and Taggedfrog.

The one conspicuous drawback that afflicts HOBComment though is that it is sometimes unable to add comments to some file types, such as .MSI and MS Office files (forcing me to resort to right clicking properties/summary/comment in Windows to do so).

stylefolder-right-click-horiz29- StyleFolder: this freeware adds a simple entry to the Windows context menu that makes it possible to change folder icons. And while there are a handful such apps, I like StyleFolder because it is simple and unassuming; but, more importantly, it saves the icon info within the folder rather than simply pointing to it, which means that folders retain their new, customized icons when they are moved to portable media or across the network, etc.

unlocker230- Unlocker: have you ever tried to move, delete, or perform other operations on a file or folder only to be notified that it is locked because it is being used by another process? Enter freeware Unlocker to the rescue. This software can (a) identify the process(es) that are using your files/folders and holding them hostage, and (b) will let you "unlock" these or optionally to kill the offending process so its no longer running.

Unlocker installs a convenient entry in the Windows context menu that can be used to right click any file or folder and investigate the processes that might be working with it, if any.

sendtotoys31- Send To Toys: this app will breathe new life into the "send to" entry in Windows' context menu by making it extremely useful and customizable. There are a number of commands that "Send To Toys" can introduce into the send to menu, including send to clipboard, send to command prompt, send to run, send to trash, and send to quicklaunch. But what makes this program really useful is the ability to add your favorite folders to the send to menu, whereby you can quickly copy or move any item to them (pressing Shift as you use the send to folder command will move your files/items rather than copy them, while pressing ctrl+shift will copy a shortcut).

rbtray-screenshot132- RBTray: minimize any window to the system tray by right-clicking on the "minimize" button. Simple with fairly low resource consumption.

What I like about this one is that is coexists very well with other Windows enhancements (aforementioned Sizer, for example), when some other apps like it do not.

trayconizer-screenshot233- Trayconizer: this interesting free app is for those programs that you use that you wished would simply minimize to the system tray every time by default. Trayconizer can create special, modified shortcuts to these apps that, when run, will make these always minimize to the system tray without any further intervention by the user.

flashfolder2134- Flashfolder: this freeware apps makes it easy to access your favorite folders in Windows' open/save dialog (as well as that of MS Office). What is notable about FlashFolder, aside from it being extremely useful, is that in terms of coolness/form factor alone it scores extremely high points with me (check out the toolbar that add overlays on top of the open/save dialog in the screenshot to the right).

Aside from favorite folders, Flashfolder can also quickly access recently used folders and a number of other functions.

folder-guide35- Folder Guide: this freeware lets you right click to access your favorite folders. Works on the desktop, in Windows' open/save dialog, as well as the MS Office open/save dialog.

There are two ways to add your favorite folders to "Folder Guide"; from the settings, you could browse to the folder of your choice, or simply right click on the folder you want to add and use the "Folder Guide" context menu entry.

shock-bookmark-screenshot36- Shock Bookmark: another freeware app that, similar to Folder Guide above installs your favorite folders in your right click context menu and enables quick access to these on your desktop and in the Windows open/save dialog (but, interestingly, not in the MS Office open/save dialog for this one). Shock Bookmark goes one further in that it lets you access favorite apps as well as favorite files in the context menu in addition to folders.

Like Folder Guide, Shock Bookmark allows you to right click on a folder in order to add it to the app's context menu. However, it also features "copy to" and "move to" functions on right click for quickly moving or copying your files to your bookmarked folders (similar to "Send to Toys" above)..

open-target-shell-extension-screenshot237-Open Target Shell Extension: [XP only]. This extension adds a right click context menu entry to Windows that shows up when you right-click on shortcut files, giving the option to instantly open the target folder where the item actually resides. This saves the user a few steps that would otherwise be required right-clicking properties then "find target" on XP.

Vista users do not need this as this functionality is already built into that OS.

menuapp38- MenuApp: this tiny free app lets you create shortcuts to folders that, when clicked on, display a browsable, cascading-style menu similar to the Windows Start menu. You can create a shortcut folder any folder(s) you like and place them in all sorts of convenient places, such as the quick launch menu area, on your desktop, or within your favorite launcher app, etc.

visual-subst39- Visual Subst: this freeware presents an interesting way to access favorite folders by mapping them as virtual drives that you could access from "My Computer".

The idea is that this makes it easier to access these using on or two clicks from open/save dialogs or by navigating from anywhere all the way back to the root drive.

Visual Task Tips40- Visual Task Tips: [XP only] a lightweight freeware utility that brings thumbnail previews to minimized task bar items in Windows XP. Simply hover over a minimized taskbar button to display a preview pop-up (Windows Vista already has this functionality built in).

Check out my original Freewaregenius site design template in the screenshot!

ExplorerBreadcrumbs41- Explorer BreadCrumbs: [XP only] a free Windows explorer extension that add a "breadcrumbs navigation" toolbar for folders in XP. The breadcrumb navigation method is already built into Windows Vista; it comprises a flat path structure whereby each "node" in the path is interactive and can be navigated at will in order to quickly move back and forth across the folder structure.

Note: QT Address Bar is another freeware that delivers the same functionality.

vso-image-resizer2142- VSO Image Resizer: delivers image conversion and resizing as a function within the Windows explorer context menu. What is interesting about VSO Image resizer, aside from the fact that it does a great job, is that it allows for the creation of different size/format/quality profiles that make it easy for the user to right click and quickly perform multiple, different resizing operation while accessing their commonly used settings. Also allows for image processing in batch.

xnviewshell-screenshot-submenu43- XnView Shell Extension: freeware that embeds a number of image-related operations into the Windows context menu, including an interesting image preview inside the right click menu. Other functions include the ability to edit image IPTC metadata and to resize image and/or convert them to other image formats on-the-fly.

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